

We are always very happy to welcome you or your child(ren) to begin a new chapter in life for a Christening - either Baptism or a Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child. You can be baptised or have a Thanksgiving at any age and all are welcome. There is no charge for this, although a donation is always appreciated (keeping our church open every day costs £000s per year). As they are ways of welcoming you to the Church family, they usually take place in one of our usual services - often at 10am on a Sunday - where we can welcome you and your friends and families. They are always warm and joyful occasions, and we seek to make them as authentic and meaningful as possible.
You can have your child baptised regardless of whether or not you, the parents are baptised. There's lots of quirky (and untrue) folk traditions about the number and gender of godparents (or sponsors for a Thanksgiving), but the important thing is that they are people of integrity and love and good faith, who will pray for you or your child(ren) through their life.

It is also lovely when adults and children are baptised at the same service and sometimes friends choose to have a christening for themselves or their children at the same service. Different members of our clergy team take Christenings, with the wonderful support of our Authorised Lay Minister, Gill, who loves meeting and supporting families in this way.

Please be in touch with either Elena, our Parish Co-ordinator, or Revd Paul, our Team Rector to find out more. We'd love to hear from you.