Learning together

At St Mary’s we have several small groups which meet all year around, with more groups formed during Lent and Advent. These groups are made up of between 5-8 people who study the bible and pray together, developing their faith, meeting at homes across Linton. In this relaxed atmosphere, this a good opportunity for everyone who wishes to learn more about the Bible in a setting where questions are encouraged, and faith can be deepened. 

Small groups can also be a good way of developing friendships with one another. as we pray for each other and situations in which we find ourselves. Groups work in various ways depending on the members’ preferences. They may follow course notes on a theme such as the Ely Diocese ‘All Loves Excelling’ the Lent course for 2017 looking at Philippians or studying a book like St John’s gospel or look at a theme such as The Lord’s Prayer from the Pilgrim series.

If you would like to know more about small groups or would like to join one see the pew sheet for more details.

Sometimes we hold Christian courses to deepen our faith and discipleship meeting in larger groups. These will be advertised in Church and on the pewsheet.